Saturday 6 February 2010

1st Week

We commenced our school week, last week.
We began with a two day workshop at a friends home. I have begun using Institute of Excellence in Writing. We decided to do this workshop together, so the girls would have fun. It has worked they have had big days, but fun. Brids' loved it and can see how it will fit into her school work.
Girl Guides started again this week. A big smile on one girls face.
Wednesday we had a funeral to attend. Our eldest daughters' boyfriends mum, died the week before. It was a sad day. It took up most of the day. Very draining. Sandy was lovely to our Louise, and we continue to pray for her soul.
We had a normal school day on Thursday, with lots of short interesting subjects. Australia studies included travelling around Australia. Botany was fairly self directed. Timestables -oh dear, more work to remember. It was a fairly peace filled. I actually got some school filing done from last year work.
Friday was our Art Design course. Too much fun in one day. Even us Mums' joined in.
We will see how next week goes, but as Brid matures, it certainly is becoming much easier. She has a healthy understanding of her schooling. We are proud of her efforts.
Hoping we can get to all our after school things as well this week.

Our pool got its concrete shell this week- actually Wednesday, so now thank goodness, we have out water tanks full, so we can water the concrete, using them, instead of using town water.

1 comment:

Dove's Rest said...

Hi Leanne,
Hope you are all well. You have been so encouraging the few short times we have met and so I have been following your blog for a while before I actually worked out I could 'Follow' by joining (not computer savvy). When you get together with other homeschoolers are they friends that are using the same curriculum so your children have a group work day together? It sounds great. I may see you at an outing sometime, take care.