Thursday 20 August 2009

Moved by Faith

Several months ago, we decided we needed to move out of our current home. This was a very hard decision for us, as we built the home we were in 17 years ago, to remain in it until we were 'old and ready for a nursing home'.
This decision was taken away from us though. We have been abused and mistreated by a neighbour. We tried to turn the other cheek, ignore, but it got to much for us. In fact, it was escalating.
So.... we began the arduious task of looking for a family home. where?? what do we want in a family home?
We always watched our spending and didn't like to over spend, so we took time to decide what our needs were. We prayed for guidance and direction. I asked St Joseph for his help, and prayed a novena.
We began internet searching, looking at some homes, still not knowing where or even if we should move.
A funny thing kept on happening, I would look at an area on the 'net', and the area we have moved to would come up in the middle of a search. This happened quite a lot. Was God telling us something!!
So we took a drive up this way, and on sharing we both realised that this could be the place for our new family home.
We continued to be open to where The Lord wanted us.
We looked at several homes, and thought we had found the perfect home but....
In the mean time, we needed to sell our existing home. We prepared it for sale, and had a lot of fun doing so. My Dad helped a lot, and he enjoyed being involved.
So our home went on the market May 20th. We sold it 5 days later- although this was not an easy time for us, as a building inspector reporting on our current home was rather dodgy.
So when we exchanged, it was rather a weight off our shoulders.
Throughout all of this time, God had his hand firmly on us as a family. We found a lovely home, on a 1/2 acre. Kristie says its enough for a soccer field. It is exactly what we were looking for. God directed us here, It has even the carpet we were looking for, our bedroom size is exactly what we dreamed of. We moved 11 weeks later.
The house we thought was perfect for us was sold when we enquired, but on looking at it during a walk the other day, we realised, it was just not for us.
My Mum took my statues of The Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Miraculous Mary when we were moving and once they rejoined us, we now feel like its home.
Our children love this home, we love it, and we know we will spend many happy days here.
To make it really special for my emotion charged darlings on the day of moving we all moved together.
We closed the door on one home and 2 hours later opened the door on our new home Together.
It was a really good thing to do, particularly for the older ones.
We know God directed us here, for what purpose we shall yet to know, but he didn't bring us here for nothing.
His will will be done.
God knew what we needed, we just needed to move by Faith and trust in him entirely.